While many of our vision therapy patients are children, we treat patients of all ages suffering from the following symptoms:
- Blurry vision, sleepy or headaches after 20 minutes of reading
- Uses finger or ruler to keep place on page
- Poor reading comprehension
- Homework takes forever
- Skips/repeats lines when reading
- Omits small words when reading
- Trouble keeping attention on reading
- Avoids near work/reading
- Poor handwriting
- Labeled “lazy” and sometimes even “ADHD” or dyslexic
What type of eye conditions can be treated with vision therapy?
- Strabismus (eye turn)
- Amblyopia (“lazy eye”)
- Convergence Insufficiency (eye teaming)
- Saccadic Dysfunction (eye tracking)
- Poor visual memory
- Visual symptoms from a brain injury
What’s the first step in a Vision Therapy program?
Whether you are referred from another doctor, or you seek us out yourself, you will first see one of our doctors for a comprehensive binocular vision exam. At this exam, the doctor will determine diagnosis, treatment options, and any additional testing necessary. Treatment may include glasses, vision therapy, patching, or a combination.
How does Vision Therapy work?
- Weekly sessions with a trained vision therapist, performed under the supervision of the doctor
- Each session is tailored to meet the individual visual needs of the patient
- Home therapy given every week to enhance overall progress
- A re-evaluation to check progress every 8 weeks
- Vision Therapy visits and evaluations are billed to the patient’s medical insurance (not to vision plans).
What evidence is out there to support Vision Therapy?
Convergence Insufficiency Treatment Trial
“After 12 weeks of treatment, nearly 75% of children who were given the office-based vision therapy along with at home reinforcement achieved normal vision or had significantly fewer symptoms of Convergence Insufficiency. Only 43% of patients who completed home-based therapy alone showed similar results, as did 33 percent of patients who used home-based pencil push-ups plus computer therapy and 35% of patients given a placebo office-based therapy.” (National Eye Institute)
A Summary of Research for Reading and Learning
Vision Therapy Research Summary #1